joi, 9 februarie 2012

The power of Yoni

Cautandu-te ma gasesc pe mine... Si gasindu-ma ajung sa ma descopar. Nici nu ma mir ca ma iubesti chiar si fara a ma cunoaste inca, chiar si fara a ma fi intalnit. Si astfel inteleg de ce si eu te iubesc pe tine-caci ceea ce unul simte simte si celalalt.
Iata, iubitul meu, ce am descoperit(sa fie spre folosul tuturor!):

Within the Living Goddess Tradition, Women are the embodiment of Adthi-Para-Shakti on Earth.

• It may take a sadhu three lifetimes to accomplish on his own the same ends which may be met in one lifetime practicing with a loving partner. When a woman’s Yoni is activated with Para-Tan-Sound-Ritual, the powers of the ten wisdom goddesses reside within and may bring her loving partner to spiritual heights with the only requirement being love, and a true desire to know one’s self on the part of the man. The woman’s job is more difficult. In order to have the awakened divine Shakti within the yoni there must first be a true understanding of the important role women play in creating a nurturing environment for soul development. This requires embodying truly divine qualities, not merely demanding or expecting to be worshipped because of her female reproductive system.

• When women receive a man’s lingam into their Yoni without love, his residual emotions and energies stay in the Yoni for up to seven years, clogging and causing stagnation in the nadis and a loss of the Woman’s-Divine-Yoni-Power.

• It’s not easy to maintain the powers of the universe, yet it is woman’s inherent, natural, sovereign right and power to do so. When a woman is divine, the home is a palace. When the woman is ill equipped, the building is devoid of spirit and feels like a prison.

• True Woman has the capacity to create beautiful, nurturing environments which nurture all those around them. Thus they not only create the universe, they are the center of the universe and as such deserved to be worshipped, revered, and honored.

• True women have the power to change the face of the Earth. The passion to know one’s truly divine nature is the first ingredient necessary to overcome the first obstacle of an engrained and actively reinforced false understanding of power.

• From the Yoni the Universe is created, born, and nurtured and upon death it is to the Yoni we return.

• Within the three corners of the Yoni are Brahma (the Creator/Father), Vishnu (the Preserver/Son), and Shiva (the Destroyer/Holy Ghost).

• Within the Yoni/Womb of Devi/Nature is the origin of the worlds, the Gods and all living beings.

• Resonating the Bija Mantras on one’s own will activate the divine energies within, but the most effective worship is between loving partners who worship each other as Shiva (Lingam) and Shakti (Yoni).

• As the divine seat of power for the universe, the Yoni is a receptive vessel which contains the thoughts and emotions we put into it. The unfortunate case in today’s world is that women and men alike have lost the understanding of true power, woman’s power, Yoni (Womb) power. The result is the many and varied reproductive illnesses and diseases prevalent today. When we do not honor the powers of the Yoni, we place toxins into our Holy Grail and it becomes poisoned, dull, lifeless, and at long last, lost. Understanding the divine qualities and powers of the Yoni is the first step women especially must take in order to recognize how our misogynist conditioning has poisoned our thoughts and our emotions so that we have not only forgotten our power, but now actively work against them.

• To find, reclaim, and activate one’s Yoni/Holy Grail, one has to have an understanding of the powers of the Goddess.  The true powers of the Yoni/ Shakti /Devi/Woman are: Love, Grace, Compassion, Nurturing, Serving, Creativity, Goodness, Humility, Softness, Honesty, Steadfastness, Inner Strength, and Wisdom.

Women are invited to explore their Goddess Nature, and how they can help to remodel the world that we live in


vineri, 13 ianuarie 2012

Oare tu te simti singur acum? Privesti lumea din jurul tau si simti ca ceva, un nu stiu ce, o nu stiu cine... iti lipseste si ai vrea sa fie langa tine? Gandul tau oare, iubite, se impleteste cu gandul meu? Unde esti, iubitul meu?? Cum sa fac sa ajung la tine?? Lumea toata dispare topita de dorinta de a fi cu tine!
Zambesc lumii cu gandul ca lumea te-a cunoscut candva, undeva... Respir aerul pe care poate si tu, candva, undeva l-ai absorbit cu ale sale miresme. Of, suna a disperare tot ce iti scriu insa mi-e cumplit de dor de tine!

Dragul meu

Uneori vad cum in mine incetul cu incetul apare o scadere a sperantei de a ne intalni si contopi cu adevarat unul in altul asa cum visez. Dar aceasta este doar din cauza asteptarii care inca se mai prelungeste.
Mi-e dor de tine, mi-e dor sa fiu cu tine si dorul acesta... offf, da, dorul acesta ma termina uneori si ma face sa cred ca mai am de asteptat pana sa te revad mult mai mult decat este in realitate timpul departarii noastre.
Mi-e gandul doar la tine, stii? Imi vine sa te caut mereu, sa te bat la cap continuu, sa iti spun clipa de clipa cat de mult, cat de aprins, de aprig te iubesc. Si vreau sa iti spun si sa te oblig aproape sa intelegi ca doar eu te pot iubi astfel, nimeni de pe pamant la fel ca mine. Si observ si imi vine sa rad si ma rusinez. Caci te iubesc cu patima in acelasi timp si aproape cu teama. Dar de ce m-as teme, iubite scump cand noi suntem deja una din eternitate? Cine ne poate desparti? Doar noi insine putem, nimeni altcineva. Si orice teama as avea ar fi o lipsa oribila de incredere in tine si in iubirea ta si nu mi-as ierta sa simt asa ceva. Este ca si cum tie ti-ar fi teama ca intr-o zi nu te-as mai putea iubi si este imposibil asa ceva caci noi doi una suntem.
Dar mi-e dor si gandurile acestea continue la tine ma tulbura. Vreau sa te simt, iubirea mea, vreau sa traiesc iubirea pentru tine, iubirea noastra si nu sa o gandesc!
Vreau sa te iau in brate si sa ma strangi la pieptul tau strivindu-mi buzele sub sarutarea ta tandra si frenetica totodata. Stii ce vreau... Tot ce-i mai frumos imagineaza-ti caci aceasta imi doresc si eu...
Ma topesc de dorul tau, iubirea mea, minunea mea! In clipa aceasta cand iti scriu, iti tresalta oara inima de un tainic suras? De o misterioasa chemare?... Da, iubite, simte-ma caci te chem sa vii la mine de oriunde te-ai afla. Inima mea suspina dupa tine la fel cum sufletul tau a tanjit de atatia ani dupa mine. Vino, iubite sa ne reintalnim!

vineri, 6 ianuarie 2012

Iubirea mea,

Am ajuns sa simt cum incet doi devin una-o fiinta noua apare din noi amandoi si ne cuprinde transformandu-ne. Suntem fuzionati prin iubirea dintre noi. Noi creeam alchimic aproape un copil al iubirii si acest copil interior ne renaste tot mai mult unul intr-altul-tu te nasti in mine si te unesti cu mine, eu ma nasc in tine si ma unesc cu tine.
Simt cum ma topesc in tine, simt cum tu, iubire, curgi in mine,mintea cu prejudecatile-i absurde se preda. Slujitorul ce-si tradase stapanul nu mai este.
Iubirea mea, in focul iubirii noastre, in focul din inima noastra, toate limitarile si separarile dispar instantaneu. Nu mai conteaza departarea dintre noi, suntem fuzionati oriunde ne-am afla, energia ta, energia mea, constiinta ta, constiinta mea s-au revarsat una in cealalta.
Te simt pana la lacrimi.O, nu am crezut niciodata ca distanta dintre noi ar putea fi vreodata binecuvantare. Dar iata ca este, ea ne apropie caci dorul imens din noi ne-a facut sufletul sa se intinda pana la celalalt invingand departarea si creeand miracolul de a ne simti la distanta. Cat de sublime trairi pot fi acestea, iubite. Ce dar superb mi-ai dat prin asteptarea teribila dintre noi. Ard in tine si tu in mine de dor si iubire amandoi.
Da, 24 din 24 suntem una si vreau sa fim pe deplin si mereu uniti.
Este uluitoare fuziunea la distanta dintre noi. Coplesitoare